We left Tuesday morning around 5 am and drove to Anaheim CA which is about 5and a half hours away we got to our hotel checked in and headed to the park
On that first day we went on ten rides and had an absolute blast!
We got up early the next day and went to toon town (after riding the teacups for the second time :) )
The last day we chilled and ended the day with going on Space mountain for the 5th time
Besides one or two tragedies like me losing my ticket/room key/transit pass for a few hours before finding it back at space mountain and saving a seat for fireworks only to be told 1 and 1/2 hours later we cant sit there it was alot of fun.
I will always remember the games we played waiting in line for rides or how much food those girls can eat!
I can't wait until I get to go again.
more catch up later i have to go read my scriptures :)
Peace and love.