My Bucket List

1.       Finish reading Les Miserables
2.      See a firefly
3.      Own a Disneyland annual pass
4.      Be a really good successful Photographer with my own business
5.      Get married in the temple
6.      See New York
7.      See Hawaii
8.      Go on a cruise
9.      Finish school
10.   Be debt free
11.    Central park
12.   Have children
13.   Ride in a taxi
14.   Disneyworld
15.   See a Broadway play on Broadway
16.   Learn to surf
17.   Learn to snowboard
18.   Travel overseas
19.   See all 50 states
20.  Drive from west to east
21.   Grand canyon
22.  Ride a subway
23.  Read my children books
24.   Learn to ballroom dace
25.  Drive a VW camper van up the west coast
26.  Raft down the grand canyon and rouge river
27.  Scuba diving
28.  See and opera
29.  Write a west coast travel book
30.  Visit Alaska
31.   Read all of Shakespeare's plays
32.  Go whale watching
33.  See Mount Rushmore.
34.  Go to London
35.  Go to Paris
36.  Sell my original artwork to a stranger.
37.  Swim with the dolphins
38.  Try sailing
39.  Venice
40. Go canoeing
41.   See the northern lights
42.  Ride horses on the beach
43.  Write and illustrate a children’s book
44. Ride in a hot air balloon
45.  Take a canopy tour
46. Ride the 10 largest roller coasters in the world.
47.  Stonehenge
48. See mount Rushmore
49. See The Louvre, Paris, France
50.  Sing to my children.
50.  Ride an elephant