Friday, June 24, 2011

Chapterhouse lane

You should click on this link!
Its a story blog written by one of my favorite authors and friend.
She is amazing
Quick! click become one of Hero's Heros

.:When I grow up I want to be a mermaid:.

Monday, June 20, 2011


Oh my goodness I'm freaking out with excitement!
5 days
143 hours
8599 minutes
Then I leave for Oregon.
Don't judge but I have already started packing...

Thursday, June 9, 2011

impending adventure

On June 26 2011 I leave for 12 days.
Where will I be in these 12 days?
I will be in Oregon.

Here are some picture of my last trip to Oregon. 
Its so beautiful there, 12 days is just not enough. 

These little guys are all over in Oregon.

Some of my family at the 4th of July parade in '09

My grandparents house.
The first place I ever lived.

Cape Blanco light house

My grandparents have a great garden.
I look forward to eating lots of fruit while I'm there.

The annual dingy races at Battle Rock Beach

The Sixes river

A wonderfully overcast sea

See you soon Oregon.